After a great response from you guys, we are excited to announce our first member run show! Thanks Horselover4ever for volunteering!
Over to you, Horselover4ever!
Hi everyone! It’s Horselover4ever. I will be running the November Photo Show! This show will be a Creative Class Show, and will work like any other, a forum section will be set up with the following categories:
-Successful Fail
-One with Nature
-Me, Myself and I
-Crazy Lesson!
These are creative classes, meaning you can interpret the prompt however you like. Take a photo that reflects the prompt, and post it in the forums before the end date, and you will be entered into that class.
You can start sending your entries on the 10th of November and the show will close on the 25th of November at 7:00pm. Your photos can be edited.
Comment any questions, and good luck!
@Horselover4ever and @Emily when will you guys start judging the classes? Just asking cause it’s already the 27 of November :)
Can i still enetr? Im a bit late but im presuming i can because its still november
Hello! I was looking at the entry’s for the November photo show and saw that the entered pictures have a short story about what was happening in the photo, and I was wondering if you have to do this to enter the competition?? I was just wondering for when I enter my photos
Hey @Horselover4ever , what do you mean by 'Successful Fail' ?!🙄
I will enter this for sure!